DecisionCamp 2024 Presentation
Revolutionizing Credit Risk Management in Banking

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The European Banking Authority (EBA) Dear CEO letter, typically issued to provide guidance and expectations for banks on key regulatory issues, emphasizes the need for stringent credit risk management, continuous monitoring, and compliance with evolving regulations.

The primary challenge for banks in monitoring customers and credit risks is the complexity and volume of data that must be continuously analyzed and acted upon. This complexity arises from several factors: the variety of triggers, the volume and complexity of metrics, continuous monitoring, quickly adaptable regulatory compliance, a comprehensive 360-degree customer view.

By leveraging DMN modeling & execution banks can effectively meet the EBA’s expectations outlined in the Dear CEO letter. DMN engines provide a robust solution for automated decision-making, continuous monitoring, regulatory compliance, and transparency, ensuring that banks can manage credit risks proactively and efficiently while maintaining the required standards set by the EBA and other regulatory bodies. This alignment not only helps in fulfilling regulatory obligations but also strengthens the overall financial health and stability of the bank.

During his presentation Stefaan Lambrecht will demonstrate an end-to-end solution to these challenges inspired by a real-life case, and making use of an integrated use of DMN, CMMN and BPMN.

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DecisionCamp 2024 Presentation
Revolutionizing Credit Risk Management in Banking

Presented By

The European Banking Authority (EBA) Dear CEO letter, typically issued to provide guidance and expectations for banks on key regulatory issues, emphasizes the need for stringent credit risk management, continuous monitoring, and compliance with evolving regulations.

The primary challenge for banks in monitoring customers and credit risks is the complexity and volume of data that must be continuously analyzed and acted upon. This complexity arises from several factors: the variety of triggers, the volume and complexity of metrics, continuous monitoring, quickly adaptable regulatory compliance, a comprehensive 360-degree customer view.

By leveraging DMN modeling & execution banks can effectively meet the EBA’s expectations outlined in the Dear CEO letter. DMN engines provide a robust solution for automated decision-making, continuous monitoring, regulatory compliance, and transparency, ensuring that banks can manage credit risks proactively and efficiently while maintaining the required standards set by the EBA and other regulatory bodies. This alignment not only helps in fulfilling regulatory obligations but also strengthens the overall financial health and stability of the bank.

During his presentation Stefaan Lambrecht will demonstrate an end-to-end solution to these challenges inspired by a real-life case, and making use of an integrated use of DMN, CMMN and BPMN.

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