Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – September 11th, 2022

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Bug fixes:
  • When selecting to not gather end events or milestones in a workflow or case model, it is now possible to use the end/milestones variables for other purposes.
  • Under certain conditions, the OpenAPI documentation of a message was not aligned with its definition.
  • When publishing a decision model, validation errors and warnings were not displayed in the user interface.
  • In some rare cases, a missing data definition was assumed to be a String instead of an Any for workflow automation. This could cause typing warnings.
  • When validating a decision model that had missing dependencies, the validation errors were not properly displayed.
  • A workflow process using an event based gateway with instantiate set to true was incorrectly reporting a validation error about a missing start event.
  • The order of the user tasks inner data inputs were not respected when displaying the input form at automation.
  • Corrected an event serialization issue for FEEL functions that could cause performance issues in while testing a decision model.
  • It was not possible to delete a disabled user.
  • The RedHat connector was not using the right version of DMN when publishing.
  • Dragging a BKM from the Digital Enterprise Graph could fail.
  • Data stores were sometimes incorrectly synching with the Digital Enterprise Graph.

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