Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – November 29,2020

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Bug fixes:
  • The information markers for boxed context results were not always depicted for all types of decision logic when testing a decision. Note that to have a consistent behavior across all types of decision logic, the information marker was moved to the header of the context.
  • The Excel export functionality was generating errors on most models.
  • The Excel import/export functionality was adapted to support multiple coding.
  • The DMN XML export failed when exporting a model containing associations connected between a shape and a link.
  • The DMN XML import failed when importing a file containing an empty encapsulatedLogic.
  • Element reused by reference from included models are now automatically refreshed.
  • FEEL autocompletion of fields on Collection of Date and Duration was not available.
  • Description of the interfaces, operations and inputs were not visible anymore after importing from an XML model.
  • PMML constraints defined as double were not parsed with enough precision when including a PMML model.
  • An error occurred when trying to export the documentation of a model containing an empty function inside a boxed context.

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