Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – May 16th, 2021

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New and improved features:
  • It is now possible to compare the current model to a previous version of that model. This option is available in the Teamwork ribbon (separate subscription required).
  • When publishing a service (workflow or decision), 3 profiles are now available:
    • Production: Will generate a minimal amount of service events at automation for performance.
    • Audit: Will generate additional service events for each model node traversed at automation.
    • Debug: Will generate additional debug information for traversed nodes used for debugging purpose only.
  • A new Dependencies side panel lists all reuse of the current model to external models.
  • Terms can now be dragged from the Digital Enterprise Graph as entities in the modelers.
  • Test cases, process instance names/tags and data mapping are now available in the documentation (html/word).
Bug fixes:
  • Event emitter update API function could fail for certain emitter types.
  • A workflow service with a dot in its process name would generate files with the wrong extension when trying to download the automation results.
  • Reading XML context data now ignore non-alphanumerical character from attribute names when matching to the data types.
  • The OpenAPI definition of a service containing a collection of collections could generate invalid files.
  • Defining the condition of a complex gateway could fail.
  • Parameters and outcomes are not properly synchronized when reused on decision services.
  • Sometimes autocompletion is not offered inside boxed context entry in a deep context.
  • OData import does not properly support multiple namespaces in the metadata definition.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a boxed context inside another boxed context could create a rendering issue.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a conditional expression inside a boxed context could create a rendering issue.
  • Fixed an issue where a FEEL unparsed marker could not be cleared properly.
  • Translation on hidden items could prevent the model from being opened.
  • The second and third parameter of a BKM invocation could experience some autocompletion issues in specific situations.
  • Workflow modeler could freeze when drawing a data association between two lanes (not in a pool).
  • Invocation of reused decision service with missing type gives a blank page.
  • Input/Output on case are not exported.
  • FEEL autocompletion not suggesting sub-components after a filter in a for loop.
  • Invalid test cases could prevent a decision model to be exported to DMN XML.
  • Data input/data output cannot be synchronized with their related graph element.
  • Resume point form description could in some rare cases be incorrectly rendered.
  • The product FEEL function edge case product([]) = null was corrected.
  • In version 10.10.0 (June), authenticating using the AuthToken session cookie to the APIs will not be supported anymore. Please use bearer tokens generated from Client Apps.

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