Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – March 27th, 2022

Title Shadow
  • Method and Style decision table analysis could report non-existent gaps for date intervals.
  • The retrieval of terms from a value set was limited to the paging size of the FHIR terminology server.
  • Under some conditions, it was possible to export a DMN 1.2 XML with the incorrect FEEL namespace.
  • The issue overlay would sometime not find the proper element to attach to.
  • Optimized the workflow process services resource consumption for models with large data definitions and data mappings.
  • Decision Service audit execution profile does not output the decision outputs.
  • Decision Service audit execution profile outputs invocations inputs/outputs only using the debug profile. They should be available with the audit profile.
  • Service startup could cause a race conditon that would return an error response.
  • It is now possible to deploy message start/intermediate/end events and send/receive tasks without having to defined a message data type.
  • CDS Hooks prefetch for queries by ID could generate an invalid count parameter internally.
  • An error was generated when trying to resume a service task in error without input parameters.
  • Allows the usage of error events in workflow services without code (catch all).
  • Documentation for the public api service deployment was added.
  • Various edge case improvements to he FEEL parser: context scoping levels, spaces before the [] operator, inline collection detection, crash prevention.
  • It was possible for collections types to be incorrectly displayed in red in the data mapping.
  • The issue navigator was not always loading from the launcher application.

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