Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – March 14th, 2021

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New and improved features:
  • Introduced asynchronous events generated by the modeling suite and the automation suite that can be connected to different types of emitters (webhooks, file, …). The documentation is available in the Trisotech Help under System Integration/Asynchronous Events.
  • Improved the handling of recursive data types in the generation of services forms and Open API documentation.
  • The service library try it form now supports to collapse complex types (and send a null value).
  • A new option is available to display the alternative names in the terms view.
  • It is now possible to rename the automatically generated decision services.
  • There is now a new interface dedicated to creating and managing identities available under /management/identities.
  • Added an option to define intermediate message event triggers.
  • Added an internal preference to support custom user logout URL when integrating with Single Sign-On.
  • It is now possible to define the time zone of the container images using environment an environment variable.
Bug fixes:
  • When exporting and re-importing a workflow model containing hidden data associations, it may result in them being regenerated automatically.
  • When renaming an expanded stage diagram with the page overlay visible, the page name would become blurry.
  • Dragging an element from the Digital Enterprise Graph with the file data type would result in an incorrect connection to the file data type.
  • The collection marker will not always show when assigning an input data to a built it collection of type.
  • When animating a model, the animator would sometime open external model linked by reuse or reference.
  • Fixed an issue that made workflow services OpenAPI file invalid to a spec validation.
  • Fixed an issue where intermediate timer events could cause exception under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing to undo a change shape on a start event.
  • When automating a workflow that has inputs or outputs with new lines, the generated API definition should have ignored these characters.
  • When a complex data mapping is defined, user tasks form rendering could display null instead of the actual input value.
  • Under certain conditions, the current value of the variables was not loaded in workflow service resume forms.
  • When executing test cases based on a very different version of a model, an error at evaluation would prevent the results from being visible.

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