Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – June 21st, 2021

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New and improved features:
  • The automatic model comparison is now available in Discovery Accelerator (subscription required).
  • The dependency panel is now available in Discovery Accelerator.
  • A new security page is available to admins to control the web session length, the cross origin and iframe usage settings.
  • For services that have a single input, the REST endpoint now supports submitting the input name or omitting it in the API call. By default the Open API representation of the input will omit the single input name but this change is backward compatible and messages containing it will still behave as they did before.
  • The expression context in the Case Modeler now offer FEEL autocompletion.
  • Roles cannot be assigned to Case File Items.
  • The severity level of messages when opening a model where there are missing references to the Digital Enteprise Graph were adjusted to warnings.
  • A new shortcut option was added to compare with the last saved version of the current model.
  • The reuse buttons in the ribbon bar of the modeling products now display the product names instead of the standard they implement (BPMN to Workflow Modeler).
  • Now supports the header x-forwarded-port when deployed behind a proxy.
  • A new function is available for workflow automation to extract the text of an HTML string.
  • When deployed in audit and debug mode, invoking BKM and Decision Services will now emit ServiceNodeStarted and ServiceNodeFinished messages.
Bug fixes:
  • Re-importing OData definition disconnected the invocations to the operation.
  • Generating a Word report containing test cases could produce an invalid Word document.
  • It was possible to create an invalid BPMN XML file when using attended tasks.
  • Sometimes Data Types would show up in the model comparaison without having been modified.
  • Attachments URL and obsolete alternative names are now properly compared between models.
  • Some performers of tasks could be impossible to rename.
  • Data Types imported from a different Digital Enteprise Graph were not always properly mapped.
  • Automatic translation could fail when translating a text with large images.
  • Events are interrupted from being delivered to websocket emitters after a timer execution.
  • A start message without data mapping introduced a context with the message name to the target data object.
  • When resuming a workflow from a timer event, the base url setting of the automation is not considered when generating absolute URLs.
  • The OpenAPI definition file could incorrectly represent messages that were input for messages when they were collections.
  • The same message can now properly be used for both starting and during a workflow automation.
  • The scope input field size was not aligned with the description and notes.
  • Exporting to BPMN, the Data Objects are not properly connected to their activities.
  • It should not be possible to lock missing copy of relationships.
  • Reuse links can now be changed to copy links (unlocking) even when the link is broken.

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