Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – July 6th, 2022

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New and improved features:
  • Digital Modeling Suite graphical interface changes
    • Under the execution ribbon, the Cloud Publish button was renamed Deploy.
    • The Operation library, CQL and PMML includes buttons moved to the execution ribbon.
    • A feedback button is now available under the home ribbon of the modelers.
  • Digital Automation Suite graphical interface changes
    • The system of engagement (user interaction forms) was redesigned. See details below.
    • In the service detail dialog of the Service Library, the button position and grouping were slightly modified.
  • The Test functionality of the decision modeler was redesigned and added to the Workflow Modeler.
    • The execution path is highlighted on the diagram.
    • It is now possible to add breakpoints before and after a task execution (workflow), on sequence flows (workflow), before and after a decision/bkm/decision service (decision).
    • Intermediate evaluation results are displayed in overlay on the diagram.
    • It is possible to update values on breakpoints.
    • Complete execution events are available in the history view.
    • It is now possible to input a collection of collection in the test interface.
  • New system of engagement (user interaction forms) is now available for all users.
    • Simplified interfaces targeted at end-user interaction through web form or file.
    • Supports styling using CSS at various levels (environment, group, artifact, version).
    • An advanced developer mode allows to visualize the form structure, the received results, load and save test cases.
    • A new Test Bench allows to save test data associated with a data type name. This data can be used across different models.
  • New system of records (data stores) is now available (requires a separate subscription).
    • Store data across process instances and decision executions using a persistent data storage.
    • Access the data using standard FEEL functions to manipulate collections.
    • Integrates in the workflow automation as data stores and in the decision automation as decision inputs that are provided by the system.
    • Integrates with Excel (through WebDav) to manipulate (import/export/edit) the data inside the data store.
  • Introduced an alternative JSON response format (application/json+result) to the REST API.
    • Previous result format is still available using a content type of application/json+metadata in the Accept header.
    • This change is fully backward compatible and using an Accept header of application/json will use the application/json+metadata formatting by default.
    • The administrator can change the application/json format.
    • The Open API v3 definition of the services documents both formats.
  • The workflow and case REST API to retrive running instances now support a tag parameter to find only instances matching a given tag.
  • A new product is available for automation customers called the Cookbook. It contains Generic Automation and Healthcare recipes.
  • System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) is now supported to synchronize users and groups.
  • Users access can now be disabled.
  • A new public API resource allows to export a zip archive of a model and all its dependencies (/publicapi/repositorycontent/package).
  • Groups shapes can now be created in diagrams in the Knowledge Entity Modeler.
  • It is now possible to control if the end (workflow) and milestones (cases) variable are part of a service output. Backward compatible to default to true.
  • Issues were added to the HTML and Word reports.
  • Added an option to prevent copy of links from being generated when exporting to BPMN or CMMN.
  • The Client Access Licenses CSV usage report now includes the date of users last activity. Note that this information starts being recorded with this release.

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