Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – July 3rd, 2023

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New and improved features:
  • Integration with Microsoft Teams:
    • New notification channel for user tasks in workflow and cases.
    • Send teams messages as part of a workflow or case.
    • Receive messages from teams to resume or start a workflow or case.
  • It is now possible to develop custom JavaScript widgets for the system of engagement forms (inputs and outputs). More information on building your own widget and tooling is available in our public GitLab repository.
  • SVG export now generates SVG files without foreign objects to increase the compatibility with SVG editors.
  • The image export label clarity was greatly improved.
  • Publishing a service now generates an SVG image instead of a PNG.
  • Publishing as an HTML report now uses an SVG image instead of a PNG for better quality.
  • The PDF images generated now has clearer and selectable text.
  • The performance of the full-text search in the Digital Enterprise Graph was greatly improved. It also now require a minimum of three character to start searching.
  • When a WebHook emitter is disabled, the notification email now includes the last encountered error.
  • The settings page to configure emitters now allows to download the audit logs directly from the user interface when defining an emitter of type Audit.
  • The pager of the Cloud Execution Running instances was optimized for a large number of pages.
  • The display of the name and tags of instances in the Cloud Execution was improved to completely display the information.
Bug fixes:
  • APIKey identity encoding used in the query parameter were not properly encoded when it contained special characters.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause an error when the automation was under very heavy load.
  • The JSON schema data type import was not supporting reusable schema portions defined under $def.
  • Types with the same name as FEEL types are not recognized when importing JSON Schema.
  • Use the file name as a default for the type created from a JSON schema import when there’s no title.
  • External link markers replace lock markers if a synchronization occurs while testing or animating a model.
  • Custom FEEL functions associated data types did not properly autocomplete.
  • Data type validation would not always be checked for collection on a constrained type.
  • In FEEL, a for literal expression with multiple iterators depending on each other will now generate the right value.
  • The validation would output an incorrect message when trying to access an attribute of a variable defined in a for literal expression.
  • The number FEEL function can now be used with a variable number of parameters.
  • Script tasks without data inputs were not able to properly access their inner data inputs variables at runtime.
  • Allow null was removed from enumerations when importing a foreign DMN XML.
  • Reusing a data type with a missing type could fail.
  • Terms could be duplicated when reusing a term with a recursive reference.
  • The transfrom and delete action buttons are not updated when changing the type of a decision logic.
  • The dialog informing that a testing session was closed due to innactivity could not be dismissed.
  • The content of a Knowledge Entity Model or Capability Model imported from Excel did not properly display in the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Terms references were not always properly cleaned up when a local term was deleted.
  • The instance of FEEL autocompletion now offers the option for list, context and functions.
  • The instance of FEEL autocompletion was using display name instead of the actual data type name.

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