Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – July 29th 2024

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New and improved features:
  • Support for DMN 1.6:
    • Import and export in the DMN 1.6 XML.
    • B-FEEL dialect support.
    • Descendant (…) operator.
    • Date and time data types now have a value attribute.
    • New date and time function with IANA time zone.
    • Rounding functions with a single parameter.
  • Introduced Analytic Data:
    • Analytic data are a subset of the data elements that are part of a process (data object/input/output) or a case (case file item) that has analytic value.
    • The modeler allows to define FEEL expressions to generate analytic data from a service instance.
    • Cloud Execution allows to download the analytic data in a CSV file using filters.
    • The exported CSV can be analysed in your favorite Business Intelligence tool (Excel, PowerBI, Tableau, …).
    • Analytic data for completed services is dependent on the History enabled setting for the deployment environment.
    • A new service event is published when new analytic data is generated for external integration in audit and debug execution profiles.
  • The FEEL expression in workflows and cases also support the new features of DMN 1.6 (B-FEEL, descendant operator, …).
  • An information panel present the instance name, tags and analysis data when testing workflow processes.
  • Boxed context result can now use any type of boxed expression.
  • When a missing model link is reported when opening a model, clicking on the error will now open the proper context to relink or remove the link.
  • The API to list service instances now supports an additional attribute to specify an AND or OR when supplying multiple tags.
  • New automation messages are now available for events sent and received (ServicePublishedEvent, ServiceReceivedEvent) in the debug profile.
  • Template configurations now use the default configuration for any link that is not overloaded by a configuration.
  • It is now possible to change reuse by copy links in template configurations.
  • The process instance viewer now allows to launch the form interface on a call activity.
  • The number data type display supports outputting as a currency and the display mask now support ECMA-376 (spreadsheets) patterns.
  • Now displays <empty> or <null> in the tooltip of the marker on the diagram for empty and null values when testing models.
Bug fixes:
  • A process that contains a pool and an annotation could not be deployed.
  • The BOM character was not supported in an XML file used as a service input.
  • The case instance API was not returning the process sub-instances.
  • Timer events would prevent the proper deployment of case services.
  • Timer events that fired in the past will now fire on instantiation.
  • It was possible to receive a non-existing error when using locally and included data type.
  • Data types were always shown in the terms view.
  • The template configuration overlay is not visible when generating hte report.
  • The alternative depiction of data types is now available on the diagram instead of the data input.
  • Sometimes criterions were duplicated in CMMN XML.
Non-Backward Compatible Changes:
  • DMN 1.6 defines a JSON binding. The JSON binding is mostly aligned with our current API binding but there is one exception for IANA time zones. Previously, a date and time with an IANA timezone would be represented as: 2007-12-03T10:15:30@Europe/Paris. The new binding defines this format instead: 2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]. Therefore, starting on this version, our REST API and message payloads have been updated to align to the mandated format.

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