Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – January 18th, 2023

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New and improved features:
  • Improved the data type validation
    • It is now possible to enter multiple constraints on a data type. Additional constraints are FEEL expressions.
    • A user-provided validation failure message and code can be entered for each constraint.
    • A new convenience Not Null constraint has been added to restrict null values from being considered a valid value.
    • The Simple constraint type was renamed to Range.
    • When entering an expression constraint, FEEL code completion is now available.
    • Expression constraints now fully support the question mark (?) explicit value identifier for unary tests.
    • Expression constraints for structures can now reference their sibling fields (an improvement coming to DMN 1.5).
    • When deploying a service, a new option now allows to define the validation level for the service: None (backward compatible), External data entry (validate data types when new data is sent to the service), Always (validate data types every time data is generated).
    • It is possible to set the validation level for the test functionality in the preferences (File -> Preferences). We strongly suggest to change this value to always for testing.
    • The service REST API for service deployed with a validation level different from None could now return validation errors (HTTP 400).
    • Enumeration type constraint is not offered anymore for boolean data types.
  • It is now possible to change the identities and server URL (override service descriptors) used by services once they have been deployed.
    • When promoting a service in the Service Library that defines an interface to an external system, the promotion dialog now allows to override the security information defined in the model.
    • Using a Digital Distributed Container (Single or Multi Service), it is now possible to override the service descriptors to update the security information used by the service(s). See the Digital Distributed Container Help for more information.
  • The Service Library detail dialog now has a direct link to the running instances of a service when applicable.
  • The default mapping (when no mapping expression is provided) is now displayed in the data mapping dialog.
  • A new dialog now allows to edit conditions for outgoing sequence flows (Conditions in the contextual menu).
  • The process animator now animates loops.
  • A warning is added when a boxed context entry name collides with an existing name in the context (override a function for instance).
  • A new custom FEEL function is available under the Automation library to retrieve user task assignation information: automation.task assignees(name).
  • A new custom FEEL function is available under the Automation library to retrieve the current instance information for long running services: automation.instance info().
  • Improved our locking mechanism for long-running service instances using the file system persistence.
  • A new visual spinning icon next to the model name indicates that the Digital Enteprise Graph is synchronizing.
  • The number of calls required to synchronize the elements reused in a discovery accelerator model was significantly reduced.
Bug fixes:
  • When testing a business knowledge model (BKM) with multiple inputs, in some cases the parameters were not sent in the proper order.
  • Invoking a decision service through a boxed context invocation defined in a model that contains multiple consecutive spaces in its name does not work as intended.
  • For case automation, the email sent to the performer of a task could contain an invalid URL to perform the task.
  • The Public API for endpoint for building containers was not accepting bearer tokens with the Execution Environment Download claim.
  • When an element linked using a Copy Of link source was deleted, the lock icon was not immediately became red.
  • Text can now be selected in the FEEL function help dialogs.
  • The dialog for the details of a linked term is displayed under the rich text editor toolbar preventing it from completely being visible.
  • The test and publish buttons became temporarily disabled when creating a blank page.
  • An incorrect error message was shown when adding a date or a date and time enumeration constraint.
  • Validation errors are now displayed when testing a model.
  • Markers were lost on the diagram when switching between a decision logic and a diagram while testing
  • The play button on attachment in the Decision Modeler was not visible.
  • Dynamically generated decision services did not properly validate the direction of links.
  • DMN XML import did not properly import the definition of terms.
  • The XSD data type gYear is now imported as a text because it can also contain a timezone.
  • When automating a case, the on part of was not always properly considered when multiple entry criterions were present.
  • Updating data to null while testing could keep the old value.
  • A decision table with a column using a numeric enumeration will not add double quote around numbers when selecting them from the suggestion.
  • Submitting a form using a numeric enumeration with an empty value would submit 0 instead of null
Non-Backward Compatible Changes:
  • The OpenAPI data type definition for an enumeration will not be nullable by default anymore. The data type can be modified to check allow null on the enumeration to explicitly make it nullable again.
  • For clients not deploying in a container, this release requires the Java 17 JRE.

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