Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – February 1,2021

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New and improved features:
  • When entering a definition or a note on an element, it is now possible to reuse terms using the _ character in a similar fashion that you would use the @ character to mention someone on comments and issues.
  • The collection marker of Data Objects is now synchronized with the defined data type (if one is defined).
  • When assigning a message to an event, its data input or output (depending if throwing or catching) will be read-only and based on that message name and data type.
  • When assigning a data type to messages, errors, escalation and signals event, we now favor reusing existing message, error, escalation or signal instead of always creating new ones.
  • The Import from Graph button was renamed Reuse from Graph.
  • It is now possible to use the Digital Enterprise Suite users and groups as performers in the Case Modeler.
  • The XML version of the REST endpoint of services automation will now output an additional xsi:type attribute for complex objects.
Bug fixes:
  • When testing a model, under some condition, the time widget would always send the value null to the service instead of the entered time.
  • Message events (start/intermediate/boundary) would consider only one output data mapping.
  • Process using the data type year and months duration could fail to execute correctly and report an error if it needed to wait for external events (message, human interaction, …).
  • It was not possible in the Cloud Execution to view the called process details of process without instance tags.
  • When publishing a process, some referenced models that were not required for execution could be sent to the automation engine.
  • In a rare occasion, a case model could be generated with duplicated sentry ids.
  • Sometimes the term description overlay stayed visible after losing focus in the business rule view.

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