Decision Modeler

DMN Modeler – Release Notes – October 1, 2019

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • New FEEL functions are available:
    • Interval logic: Based on the 13 unique relations from Allen’s Interval Algebra. An additional function: overlaps() was also added as an higher level of abstraction for business users.
    • Date & Time: day of week(), month of year(), day of year(), week of year().
    • These functions are extensions to DMN 1.2 and should be part of the upcoming DMN 1.3 revision. An introduction presentation can be viewed on our website.
  • The dialogs to view included models (DMN and PMML) now has an hyperlink icon next to the included models that let you navigate to the included model.
  • When closing the data type dialog without first saving a change, that change would be ignored. It will now be considered.
Bug fixes:
  • When publishing to the Trisotech Automation Platform (Cloud Publish) the dialog to view the published service would not show up if errors or warnings were reported.
  • An invalid DMN file could be generated when a data type constraint was picked without entering any constraints.
  • It’s now possible to use the slash ‘/’ character in the name of a DMN element.

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