Decision Modeler

DMN Modeler – Release Notes – February 21, 2018

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • Decision logic creation options are now contextual to the encapsulating graphical element.
  • Refactoring a Decision to and form a Business Knowledge Model (BKM) is now smarter. It will automatically convert the decision logic type to fit the new container.
  • Added examples to the FEEL functions buttons in the DMN ribbon bar.
  • Added support for the new “for” loops of FEEL (DMN 1.2) with the partial keyword.
Bug fixes:
  • Changing the color of an edge did not take effect until a movement occurred.
  • Fixed a DMN XML serialization issue that affected Internet Explorer 11 in certain conditions.
  • When exporting a Word document, for certain documentation construct, the layout was not properly respected for the description attribute.
  • Addressed some edge cases of importing an XSD as Data Types where unions, choice and extension of simpleType were used.
  • Collection icon was missing in the report for some data types.

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