Decision Modeler

DMN Modeler – Release Notes – April 19, 2016

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • Redesigned the way user can now edit and create decisions Added a title (logic name) to top-level boxed expressions.
  • Moved the shape details under a unified detail dialog accessible using the detail icon in overlay (Details Icon DMN). This dialog now contains:
    • Description
    • Attachments
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the decision logic would go over the page in the HTML documentation export.
  • Fixed a bug which would sometimes prevent editing the documentation in Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed an issue where the report would sometime crop connectors.
  • Fixed an issue where semantic link would always be offered during the documentation export options even when there are none in the profile.
  • Fixed a bug where when exporting into HTML, the page borders would be printed.
  • Fixed a bug where the documentation could not be set on page.
  • Fixed an issue where the indenting would not be kept in rich text.
  • Fixed an issue where the More Pages selection window would appear out of the screen.
  • Image names are now kept human readable when exporting into an image format.

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