Discovery Accelerator

Discovery Accelerator – Release Notes – July 22, 2015

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • Added Input/Output relation between the systems and artifacts types.
  • Renamed Quick Wins to Gaps.
  • Added the Gaps to all type of elements, instead of just activity.
  • Added the possibility to create a new collection from the text view, if there are multiple collections already present of the same type.
  • Improved mobile device loading speed.
  • Made major improvements to the drag and drop functionality in the Board View.
  • Improved mobile device experience with the semantic links editor.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue which would paste the styling of the selected text. The style is not taken into account anymore.
  • Fixed non ASCII characters in the export functionality of CMMN, UML and HTML.
  • Fixed an issue with the inline edit function in Chrome in some cases.

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