Release Notes

BPMN Modeler – Release Notes – October 28th 2016

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the HW5 view for task, events, data objects and data stores. It is accessible by viewing the Details (3 bars) on a shape.
  • You can now create relationships in the BPMN modeler to items that are not normally depicted in BPMN such as Actors, System and Goals.
  • You can now manage hidden items that are not normally visible in a BPMN drawing. Those include the Actors, System and Goals that you can now define in the elements details but also extend to Messages, Signal, Errors and Escalation codes. This is accessible using the Manage hidden items button in the BPMN ribbon.
  • You can now create input/output relationship from a task to a data object that are not depicted graphically using the task details and adding to the what perspective.
  • You can now hide a Data Object depicted in the BPMN Diagram by right clicking on a Data Object while keeping the input relationship in the detail of the task.
  • You can now drag System and Goals from an accelerator to bring them in your BPMN context and reuse them.
  • The report was improved to add the new information that can be captured using the new HW5 view in BPMN.
Bug Fixes:
  • Prevented a rare case where on page creation, we would give the same name as an existing page.

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