
Decision Modeler

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DMN Modeler November 23, 2018 (Version: 6.1.15)
New and Improved Features:
  • Page tabs icons now have the icon of the decision logic type to help differentiate decision logic tabs from diagram tabs.
  • It is now possible to hide elements from the diagram while keeping them in the scope.
    • To hide an element, right click on it and select Hide
    • Hidden elements are still accessible through the Scope right panel.
    • If the element was a requirement to another element, that element will show the three dots markers to make it visible again.
  • The Scope right panel now has an option to delete elements. Click on an element to display its detail and you now have a Delete button in the bottom right.
  • Added a second paste option in the contextual menu (right click on the canvas) to either paste by reference or by copy (depending on your current default paste preference).
  • The power FEEL operator: ** now supports exponents with decimal point.
Bug fixes:
  • When moving a group of shapes to a new parent, label that were moved from their default position would not always be correctly positioned.
  • When using the spacer tool, sometimes labels were moved farther than expected.
  • When copy/pasting links with labels that were moved from their default position the label would not always be correctly positioned.
  • When working with large decision tables with large header text, the delete column button would sometime not work.
DMN Modeler November 8, 2018 (Version: 6.1.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • The addition of “Copy of” before the name of elements when pasting them is now optional. To turn it off, go to the Preferences inside the File tab.
  • Context entry name auto-completion suggestion is now improved for complex and deep structures.
  • Improved the DMN names normalization on element names and data types names (any number of spaces count as a single space).
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the proper loading of models on safari for OSX/iOS.
  • Fixed an issue with FEEL auto-completion that did not suggest functions names inside filters.
  • Fixed an issue with FEEL auto-completion after the equality symbol for certain filters
  • The details icon on graphical elements would sometime disappear too soon.
  • Copy Of when pasting in a different file should never be used.
DMN Modeler October 31, 2018 (Version: 6.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the auto-completion suggestion on decision table headers to propose breath first elements instead of depth first elements. This has the double benefit of greatly improving the performance on large data models and improving the quality of the proposed results.
  • When copy/pasting elements between two models, non visible references will now be transferred to the target model.
  • Custom attributes values will now offer auto-completion based on values already entered for the same custom attribute key.
  • Using the dictionary, it is now possible to view included data types details the same way we can edit locally defined data types.
  • A logout button was added to the file menu and the preference menu styling was aligned with the rest of the application.
  • The digital enterprise graph and dictionary elements are now sorted in alphabetical order.
Bug fixes:
  • When serializing to DMN 1.2, Java function type were not property serialized according to the DMN 1.2 specification.
  • Various bug fixes around properly supporting Input Data with dots in their name when they were not included.
  • Fixed an incorrect caption on the test case button title.
DMN Modeler October 17, 2018 (Version: 6.1.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • The Quick Connect arrows (the colored arrows to facilitate the creation of new elements on the canvas) will now only appear on shape selection to prevent clicking on them by accident as much as possible.
  • The administrator can now change the default logo displayed as a watermark in the diagram and displayed on the header page of reports (html and word).
  • Users can still change the logo used for a specific model by going into the preferences (File->Preferences):
    • Default: The settings set by the administrator will apply to this model.
    • Custom: The user can upload a logo file to be used in this model.
    • None: No logo will be used for this model.
  • A new overlay displaying the page name is now available under the documentation overlays. It will display the page name in the top left of the canvas.
  • A new option to delete a graphical element is now offered when using the contextual menu of an element (right click).
  • Public places will now be visible when opening or saving a model.
Bug fixes:
  • Sometimes quick connect arrow created ghost shapes would stay on the canvas even after the arrows disappeared.
  • Sometimes dragging a decision from the Digital Enterprise Graph that use a complex type which reference another complex type, that second type would not be properly created.
  • The decision animator incorrectly flagged errors between knowledge source and BKMs.
  • Auto completion did not always work properly with included elements.
DMN Modeler October 9, 2018 (Version: 6.1.11)
New and Improved Features:
  • Include decisions are now supported by the Animator.
  • Decision Services are now indexed in the Dictionary and the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • When entering an identifier that already exist in the current diagram for a different element, you can now optionally choose to increment the conflicting identifiers automatically.
Bug fixes:
  • Prevented a specific case where it was possible to have Input Data as Encapsulated Decision in a Decision Service.
  • When creating a type from a decision table header, the constraints were duplicated.
  • When changing the type in an included model, its type was not automatically changed in the including models.
  • Fixed an issue with modifying the content of merged cells in a decision table would not always change the value for all the cells.
  • When an input was linked twice to a decision, it was asked twice when testing or animating.
  • Prevented cases where the text of the tooltip for context entry execution result could go outside of the tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed decision table annotations to be merged.
  • There was a problem preventing certain decision publication to the cloud on Microsoft Edge.
DMN Modeler September 25, 2018 (Version: 6.1.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Boxed context intermediate results are now available when testing or animating. A new information marker containing the boxed context line result now appears next to each line of a boxed context after a successful test/animation.
  • Performance improvements when adding a shape to a large diagram.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the Method and Style validation around intervals in decision tables.
  • Prevented a potential issue with empty string in an enumeration causing an infinite loop with auto completion.
  • Deleting a decision service did not delete the decisions inside of it from the scope.
  • It is now impossible to change the source or target of and included requirement.
DMN Modeler September 19, 2018 (Version: 6.1.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • The dictionary will now use ellipsis (…) when truncating names.
  • When the same input data is used multiple times in the same diagram, it is now entered only once when testing.
Bug fixes:
  • When importing a visio file that have reversed links, they are properly reversed in the modeler.
  • After importing a DMN 1.1 diagram generating multiple diagrams, it was possible export an incorrect DMN 1.2 file with improper diagram sizes.
  • When expanding the details of an included decision service the decision logic could be viewed.
  • It was possible to obtain an incorect DMN serialization of input requirements across transitive model inclusion (Model A including a Model B that includes a Model C).
  • Data Types containing spaces would in some conditions be incorrectly dropped from the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Rows in decision table inside boxed context were not highlighted properly when testing/animating decisions.
  • Ellipsis on decisions are not displayed when an included decision requires an included input data.
  • When a decision depends on a decision not depicted, a wrong input was asked when testing.
  • When testing decisions with included models, rows were not highlighted in included decision table.
  • When adding included decision with the ellipsis, their decision logic should be added too.
DMN Modeler September 6, 2018 (Version: 6.1.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • There are now arrows (left and right) to facilitate the scrolling of the diagram tabs at the bottom.
Bug fixes:
  • In some circumstances, dragging an element from the dictionary could result in an undefined prefix.
  • Dictionary is not always refreshed properly when saving a model to a different place.
  • Some complex data types dropped from the accelerator were not properly importing all their sub-types.
  • When moving the Decision Service separator and reloading the modeler, it sometimes went back to its original position.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent viewing the content of an included invocation.
DMN Modeler August 30, 2018 (Version: 6.1.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • When entering the Question and Answer properties, you can now defer the answer to the defined output data type of a decision.
  • The validation of DMN model now supports included elements.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue preventing to export Relations on Internet Explorer.
  • Improved edge use cases of inclusion using the dictionary.
DMN Modeler August 20, 2018 (Version: 6.1.6)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed the update of input/encapsulated decisions/output decisions in Decision Services when there is more than one depiction of its related input or decisions.
  • Fixed an infinite loop when using escaped characters in expression.
  • Fixed layout of the Word report for the project charter RACI that was sometimes adding unnecessary spacing.
  • Properly restored the diagram when using browser “Print” button.
DMN Modeler August 3, 2018 (Version: 6.1.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • When testing a DMN model, list returned now offer an option to save them to excel files.
  • The button to download excel files inside relation and inputting lists for testing decisions logic was renamed Export from Template.
Bug fixes:
  • Importing a DMN XML with multiple expanded Decision Services could result in duplicated elements.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the copy/paste of certain elements in rare conditions.
  • Testing a decision model with BKM’s not depicted on the current page caused the BKM to be incorrectly flagged as an input.
  • Fixed the execution of the not() feel function containing a function invocation.
DMN Modeler July 31, 2018 (Version: 6.1.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • A Custom Attributes overlay is now available.
Bug fixes:
  • In some cases, copying and pasting shapes with custom attributes would fail.
  • When loading a test case from the test dialog, the ok button is now disabled until a test case is selected.
  • When using the excel import from the test dialog, there were some cases where a string was misinterpreted as a number.
  • Invocation of a BKM though the Invocation box context using a type include from another DMN model could result in a type mismatch in some cases.
  • In an extreme case of re-use across models using the model include, cloned input data could be omitted when exporting to DMN XML.
DMN Modeler July 24, 2018 (Version: 6.1.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the Excel Import and Template generation:
    • Excel column data type are now considered and converted when importing from excel and when generating templates.
    • The header matching is now case insensitive.
    • When importing a relation, a new dialog will propose autodetected types from the excel file which can be changed.
    • Improved the column matching algorithm when importing a relation with pre-existing headers.
  • Autocompletion of Custom Attributes names is now offered when entering new Custom Attribute on an element.
Bug fixes:
  • When testing the decision logic with an input typed as a simple collection (string, dates, …), it would sometime give a wrong result.
  • Using the keyboard arrows/carriage return combination to select the autocompleted name of a decision table header sometimes resulted in an inconsistent model.
  • Label on link that were moved from their default position were sometime reloaded at the wrong position.
  • Copying a decision defined as a context with a decision table would sometime not work properly.
DMN Modeler July 16, 2018 (Version: 6.1.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to add Custom Attributes to the diagram elements through the Details dialog.
  • Custom attributes can be optionally exported to the Word and HTML report.
  • A new decision logic construct was added: List.
Bug fixes:
  • In the case of very large DMN models (larger than 5-10 MB), in some conditions the export to DMN, execution and validation would fail.
DMN Modeler July 6, 2018 (Version: 6.1.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • The FEEL autocompletion now offer the attributes of duration, date, date-time and time such as or date.month.
  • Various improvements around the usage to the spacer tool. Especially with links that had custom routing.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved the autocompletion of strings in decision table cells when the double quote character was used.
  • The XML 1.1 serialization of decision services is now spec compliant (removed the variable element).
  • Fixed an issue when generating links containing special characters in the Word report.
  • Fixed an issue with the date picker control that affected users in a certain time zone.
  • Fixed variable recognition used as a parameter in a function inside a filter.
  • Importing a DMN XML file without ids on certain elements could generate duplicated ids.
  • Fixed a rare case where the header columns of a decision tables would not propose certain input requirements.
  • Relation tables of only one column are not treated as list automatically anymore by the animator.
  • The DMN 1.2 XML export now outputs the typeRef attribute of decision logic expression.
DMN Modeler June 19, 2018 (Version: 6.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Decisions services are now generally available to all of our customers.
    • Collapsed and Expanded Decision Services shapes are now draggable from the palette.
    • Collapsed Decision Services can be linked to separate diagrams using the plus symbol.
    • Decision Services now appear in the Scope side panel.
    • Decision Services can also be created, edited and visualized through the Decision Service wizard available in the DMN ribbon.
  • You can now include other DMN models in your current model to re-use (by reference) the different elements using a user definable prefix (require the Dictionary subscription). Including models and managing their import prefix is available in the DMN ribbon using the Include command.
  • A new side panel called Dictionary is available. (require the Dictionary subscription)
    • The dictionary presents the various elements of other DMN models in your current place.
    • Dragging from the dictionary to the canvas will automate the inclusion of that model in the background.
    • The dictionary is searchable and filterable.
  • It is now possible to have more than one description (annotation) column in decision tables.
  • The element selection feedback is now easier to view and colored.
  • Spaces in element names is now normalized across the modeler. This means that any number of spaces is treated as a single space.
  • The scope search now also matches descriptions if they are visible.
  • When generating the report, you can now hide or show the Identificators through a new option.
  • The Places side panel was renamed Digital Enterprise Graph.
Bug fixes:
  • When dragging a Knowledge Source from the Digital Enterprise Graph, it will now be depicted as a Knowledge Source.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime corrupt a model if dropping a shape on an existing link.

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