
Case Modeler

Title Shadow
CMMN Modeler October 17, 2018 (Version: 6.1.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • The Quick Connect arrows (the colored arrows to facilitate the creation of new elements on the canvas) will now only appear on shape selection to prevent clicking on them by accident as much as possible.
  • The administrator can now change the default logo displayed as a watermark in the diagram and displayed on the header page of reports (html and word).
  • Users can still change the logo used for a specific model by going into the preferences (File->Preferences):
    • Default: The settings set by the administrator will apply to this model.
    • Custom: The user can upload a logo file to be used in this model.
    • None: No logo will be used for this model.
  • A new overlay displaying the page name is now available under the documentation overlays. It will display the page name in the top left of the canvas.
  • A new option to delete a graphical element is now offered when using the contextual menu of an element (right click).
  • Public places will now be visible when opening or saving a model.
Bug fixes:
  • Sometimes quick connect arrow created ghost shapes would stay on the canvas even after the arrows disappeared.
CMMN Modeler October 9, 2018 (Version: 6.1.11)
New and Improved Features:
  • When entering an identifier that already exist in the current diagram for a different element, you can now optionally choose to increment the conflicting identifiers automatically.
Bug fixes:
  • While animating a case with an empty case plan model or stage, it now completes automatically.
CMMN Modeler September 25, 2018 (Version: 6.1.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Performance improvements when adding a shape to a large diagram.
CMMN Modeler September 19, 2018 (Version: 6.1.9)
Bug fixes:
  • When importing a visio file that have reversed links, they are properly reversed in the modeler.
  • Data Types containing spaces would in some conditions be incorrectly dropped from the Digital Enterprise Graph.
CMMN Modeler September 6, 2018 (Version: 6.1.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • There are now arrows (left and right) to facilitate the scrolling of the diagram tabs at the bottom.
Bug fixes:
  • Some complex data types dropped from the accelerator were not properly importing all their sub-types.
CMMN Modeler August 30, 2018 (Version: 6.1.7)
Bug fixes:
  • When deleting an attached element, the connection points are now properly restored in all cases.
CMMN Modeler August 20, 2018 (Version: 6.1.6)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed export of User task linked to discretionary associations, it now creates one planning table with all the discretionary tasks.
  • Removed a warning that was sometimes wrongly displayed about missing item definitions.
  • Fixed layout of the Word report for the project charter RACI that was sometimes adding unnecessary spacing.
  • Fixed some extreme cases where the deletion of an element would not properly delete all its related elements.
  • Properly restored the diagram when using browser “Print” button.
  • Fixed some issues regarding sentries.
CMMN Modeler July 31, 2018 (Version: 6.1.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • A Custom Attributes overlay is now available.
Bug fixes:
  • In some cases, copying and pasting shapes with custom attributes would fail.
CMMN Modeler July 24, 2018 (Version: 6.1.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • Autocompletion of Custom Attributes names is now offered when entering new Custom Attribute on an element.
Bug fixes:
  • Label on link that were moved from their default position were sometime reloaded at the wrong position.
CMMN Modeler July 16, 2018 (Version: 6.1.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to add Custom Attributes to the diagram elements through the Details dialog.
  • Custom attributes can be optionally exported to the Word and HTML report.
CMMN Modeler July 6, 2018 (Version: 6.1.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • Various improvements around the usage to the spacer tool. Especially when dealing with containers and links with custom routing.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue when generating links containing special characters in the Word report.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented to properly save the re-use of a data type inside a complex data type.
CMMN Modeler June 19, 2018 (Version: 6.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • The element selection feedback is now easier to view and colored.
  • Users will now be notified when exporting to CMMN XML if their connectors could not have been serialized.
  • Decision and Process are now serialized when exporting to CMMN XML.
  • When generating the report, you can now hide or show the Identificators through a new option.
  • The Places side panel was renamed Digital Enterprise Graph.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime corrupt a model if dropping a shape on an existing link.
  • Entry and Exit criterion copied between diagrams and Case Plan Models would in certain conditions generate an invalid CMMN XML serialisation.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the proper export to CMMN XML of discretionary associations.
  • Fixed an issue that would not depict the planning table icon when a planning table was present during CMMN XML import.
CMMN Modeler June 5, 2018 (Version: 6.0.9)
Bug fixes:
  • Roles and performers are now always serialized in CMMN XML
  • The spacer tool did not properly reduce the size of containers in certain conditions.
  • Pasting content in the FEEL editor would replace the whole expression instead of inserting the pasted value at the cursor position.
CMMN Modeler May 24, 2018 (Version: 6.0.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • A new overlay is available: Data Type. It displays the element associated data type.
  • For the places and accelerators side panels, the highlight button was moved to the header from its original location in the panel.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved the loading time when changing page on most browsers.
  • Removing elements from a multiple selection using the CTRL key did not work properly.
  • Moving elements within a container using the arrow keyboard keys had some issues when approaching the boundaries of certain containers.
  • Under certain specific conditions, overlays on edges would be duplicated.
CMMN Modeler May 3, 2018 (Version: 6.0.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • The Accelerator side panel is now sub-divided into an Accelerator and a Places panel. The Digital Enterprise Graph is now displayed under the Places side panel.
  • The comment overlay was changed from a document icon to a speech bubble.
Bug fixes:
  • Data types are now properly imported and exported in CMMN XML
  • Corrected an issue that would sometime prevent the generation of images when the description overlay was visible.
CMMN Modeler April 10, 2018 (Version: 6.0.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • Various usability improvements on the Quick Connect arrows:
    • When hovering a shape then quickly hovering one of the arrow, the quick connect did not always disappear.
    • When quickly dragging a quick arrow, sometimes it would not register.
    • When more than one shape is in the quick arrow direction, if one of them is not connected, the quick arrow will now appear.
    • The quick arrow now stays longer after you stop hovering a shape so that you can click them more easily.
  • The FEEL auto completion suggestions are now context sensitive to complex types.
  • When copying an element using the copy/paste feature, the copied element will now have a Copy of prefix to make it clear that it’s a copy and not the same element.
Bug fixes:
  • Some labels position were not properly saved on models with multiple pages under certain conditions.
  • Edges dropped from the palette were incorrectly moved to the top left of the diagram.
  • When exporting the report, sometimes blank lines were added around the project charter information.

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