Case Modeler

CMMN Modeler – Release Notes – May 18, 2016

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • The CMMN Modeler is now available in the French language.
  • When publishing a model, the CMMN Modeler will now generate a short URL.
  • The error window columns are now adjusted depending on the window size.
  • Aligned the size of the Stage/Plan Fragment.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the user was not properly notified when their file has been modified by someone else when they were about to save.
  • Fixed a bug which would resize images included in the documentation when generating reports.
  • Fixed an issue which would sometimes cover the page zoom functionality with the page URL when zooming the canvas.
  • Fixed an issue which would prevent the proper loading of accelerators in the attribute editor in FireFox.
  • Fixed an issue where the add page button would not appear if the page names were too long.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the active page highlight to be lost when the “All” button was clicked.

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