Release Notes

BPMN Modeler – Release Notes – January 30, 2020

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to use images as diagram elements.
  • Send Tasks operations can now be defined using the Operation Library in a similar fashion as Service Tasks.
  • It is now possible to enter a custom process instance name expression using the contextual menu (right-click) on a process and selecting Attributes then Process Instance Name…
Bug fixes:
  • The search bar will start searching when the user stop typing instead of waiting for the 3 first characters to be entered.
  • Linking DMN Decision on a Rule Task could yield duplicated Input/Output Data.
  • Data types of linked DMN decisions on a Rule Task were not always properly imported when they were basic FEEL types.
  • Re-linking the same DMN Decision on a Rule Task could incorrectly not update the data inputs/outputs.
  • Don’t overwrite data types if user decides not to import an existing interface in the Operation Library.
  • The Operation assignment editor is not properly refreshed right after creating an operation.
  • Saving a file to a different folder would sometimes ask to overwrite the file even if it did not exist.

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