
Case Modeler

Title Shadow
CMMN Modeler September 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.33)
New and Improved Features:
  • New and improved Visio import. When importing Visio files, you can now map each shape from the stencil to get the best and most accurate import of your model.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the previous file name was still used in some rare cases.
  • Time Cycle is now outputted in the documentation.
  • Fixed an issue during the export to documentation where it would stop the export when encountering an empty diagram.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple help windows would open.
CMMN Modeler September 19, 2016 (Version: 5.0.32)
New and Improved Features:
  • Files are now filtered to the proper types when using import services.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the content of the accelerators tab was not fully visible.
  • Fixed a bug where the markers would not be displayed in the diagram when using import services.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a page associated with a new stage, clicking on the plus button would do nothing.
  • Fixed a bug which would prevent from editing attributes in the latest version of the Chrome browser.
CMMN Modeler July 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.31)
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the quick connect arrow would not come back in some rare cases.
  • The onPart Connector are now properly connected when dragging items from the accelerator.
CMMN Modeler July 6, 2016 (Version: 5.0.30)
New and Improved Features:
  • The Share functionality button has been moved to the Teamwork tab from the Animator tab.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where using the Spacer feature would break the links.
  • Fixed a bug which would move a shape when it was resized to a size smaller than the minimum.
  • When copy/pasting containers, their links and their attached shapes are now also considered.
  • Fixed an issue which would prevent from moving unconnected links on the canvas.
  • Fixed an issue which would scroll the canvas when clicking multiple times on the Zoom Standard button.
  • Fixed a bug which would prevent the ability to select newly added shapes from the comments right panel.
  • Now the details and the quick connect buttons are always hidden while moving or resizing a shape.
  • Fixed an issue where the “More Pages” dialog would not open the first page.
CMMN Modeler June 22, 2016 (Version: 5.0.29)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the capability to manage overlays displayed in the canvas. Using the Manage Overlay button from the View ribbon, users can now turn on/off each overlays, such as the commenting and attachments icons, displayed on shapes.
  • The comments are now integrated with the details view of the shapes. Users can now use the Detail option on a shape to manage the comments or use the existing commenting button in the Teamwork ribbon.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue which would prevent from opening a link to another CMMN diagram due to a special character.
CMMN Modeler June 14, 2016 (Version: 5.0.28)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to assign a version and a state to your model file. Assigning a version and state to a model functionality can be found in the “Teamwork” ribbon, by clicking on the new “Publish” button.
  • The version and state of a model has been added to the “Project Charter”, in the “Version” tab. This information is also present during the export to reports.
  • When switching an expanded Stage to a collapsed one, the same behavior than “Create From Content” action is now used.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that was sometimes causing the feedback to get excessively big when resizing a shape.
  • The proper processes are not proposed when linking a Process Task to a BPMN Collaboration.
CMMN Modeler May 31, 2016 (Version: 5.0.27)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the possibility to open historical versions of saved files.
  • Case Animator: Add case file item to the trace.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the page resize arrows to be positioned in the wrong location in FireFox.
  • Fixed an issue which would show the URL in the browser thus hiding the page’s name.
  • Fixed a bug which would prevent the “Create from content” functionality from working.
  • Fixed a bug where the labels on the expanded stage and collapsed plan fragment would be misplaced.
CMMN Modeler May 18, 2016 (Version: 5.0.26)
New and Improved Features:
  • The CMMN Modeler is now available in the French language.
  • When publishing a model, the CMMN Modeler will now generate a short URL.
  • The error window columns are now adjusted depending on the window size.
  • Aligned the size of the Stage/Plan Fragment.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the user was not properly notified when their file has been modified by someone else when they were about to save.
  • Fixed a bug which would resize images included in the documentation when generating reports.
  • Fixed an issue which would sometimes cover the page zoom functionality with the page URL when zooming the canvas.
  • Fixed an issue which would prevent the proper loading of accelerators in the attribute editor in FireFox.
  • Fixed an issue where the add page button would not appear if the page names were too long.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the active page highlight to be lost when the “All” button was clicked.
CMMN Modeler April 19, 2016 (Version: 5.0.25)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the new Case Animator feature which allows you to understand the logic of your case model by animating your CMMN cases.
  • Added Block Attachment button in the Case Animator, which skips all linked attachments and while playing the animation.
  • Added Block Models button in the Case Animator, which skips all external models while playing the animation.
  • Moved the shape details under a unified detail dialog accessible using the detail icon in overlay (Details Icon CMMN). This dialog now contains:
    • Description
    • Attachments
    • Semantic Links
    • Activities also have: Time, Cost, Value, Quality and Gaps field.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug which would not attach log markers to the shape when using the import and changing a page.
  • Fixed a bug which would sometimes prevent editing the documentation in Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed an issue where the report would sometime crop connectors.
  • Fixed a bug where when exporting into HTML, the page borders would be printed.
  • Fixed a bug where the documentation could not be set on page.
  • Fixed an issue where the indenting would not be kept in description when generating reports.
  • Image names are now kept human readable when exporting into an image format.
CMMN Modeler March 21, 2016 (Version: 5.0.24)
New and Improved Features:
  • The Standard Event on PlanItemOnPart Connector is now filtered depending on the source, e.g.: Task versus Event/Milestone versus Case Plan Model.
  • The Standard Event on onPart connector can now be displayed between square brackets.
Bug Fixes:
  • Discretionary associations are now created as a straight link with the quick arrow option.
  • Fixed an issue when resizing a node with has a straight link docked to it, the extremity of the link would go inside the node.
  • An error is now shown when a user cannot save or copy to the local storage.
  • Fixed a bug where some links would not get fully deleted when doing undo/redo in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting a shape and starting to type its new name feature: the first letter typed was lost.
  • Fixed an issue when resizing a block human task, a non blocking icon would show instead.
  • Fixed an issue where when undoing a page rename, the page would be assigned with a blank name.
CMMN Modeler March 7, 2016 (Version: 5.0.23)
New and Improved Features:
  • Documentation reporting improvements:
    • Advanced attributes are now exported in MS Word and HTML reports.
    • User choices are now remembered in the documentation box.
    • The proper rules icon is now shown.
    • The logo is now added to the title page of the documentation export.
    • The Discretionary items have been grouped together under their stage/case mode or human task in the CMMN Report feature.
  • A new Project Charter functionality has been added. The project charter allows to define the Scope, Goals, Challenges and Stakeholders of your project.
  • The ifPart is now created by default for Sentry.
Bug Fixes:
  • Aligned the placement of Quick Connect arrows in Internet Explorer 9.
  • Aligned the text on the button for the Dialog Box in Internet Explorer 9.
  • Fixed an issue where the documentation report would fail when importing a CMMN file and generating the report right after.
  • Fixed an issue where the user would not be notified if a save failed.
CMMN Modeler February 19, 2016 (Version: 5.0.22)
New and Improved Features:
  • Basic attributes are now exported in the MsWord and HTML reports.
  • Multiple visual improvements to the MsWord and HTML reports presentation.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the custom logo on diagrams could not be changed in IE9.
  • Fixed an issue where Task IsBlocking property’s default was false instead of true.
CMMN Modeler February 11, 2016 (Version: 5.0.21)
New and Improved Features:
  • The TQM (time, cost, value and quality of service) attributes are now exported into the documentation reports.
  • The MsWord and HTML reports have been improved:
    • The reports have been aligned across all applications to bring the same reporting features and consistency.
    • The whitespace around the diagrams has been reduced for better presentation.
    • The numbering of items has been replaced by indentation to properly display parent/child hierarchy.
    • The page order of the models is now taken into consideration.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where the annotation shape would not properly adjust to its text.
  • Fixed an issue where the text annotation would not have a ghost when being moved on the canvas.
  • The quick connect option was not available on the Decision Task, this issue has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where the MsWord and HTML reports which would not take into consideration the ordered pages of the models.
  • Improved the auto adjusting of diagrams when they were exported in a MsWord or HTML reports.
  • Fixed an bug which would prevent the printing function to work in FireFox.
CMMN Modeler January 25, 2016 (Version: 5.0.20)
New and Improved Features:
  • The CMMN Modeler now fully supports CMMN 1.1 specification:
    • CMMN DI is now imported
    • Added the support for Text Annotation and Association.
    • Changed the onPart connector to align with the CMMN 1.1 spec.
  • Total Quality Management (TQM) attributes have been added to Task and Stage.
  • It is now possible to attach files, videos, links, urls and other document types to shapes.
  • The HTML report now has a table of content.
  • The comments are now exported to CMMN xml.
  • The Process and Decision elements are now kept when importing and then exporting a CMMN file.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where deleting some shapes would also delete links on links.
  • Fixed an issue that was sometimes preventing the comment bubble from showing.
  • Fixed an issue where the CMMNEdge in the CMMN DI did not have the proper sourceCMMNElementRef for Discretionary Association.
  • CaseFileItemOnPart now has the proper sourceRef.
  • Fixed an issue where the lable bounds would not be properly places on the shape.
  • Fixed an issue when linking a Process Task to a BPMN process which would result in an error in Internet Explorer and in FireFox.
CMMN Modeler December 18, 2015 (Version: 5.0.19)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to generate reports from the models. The reports can be generated in Word or HTML formats.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where new lines/break in shape’s labels would not be kept when importing and exporting.
  • Fixed an issue where when dragging the extremity of a link over a node, the magnets on the node would not be shown on the shape if the link’s other extremity was connected to another link.
  • Fixed an issue where the inputs/outputs in the context menu would show nothing on the CMMN pages.
CMMN Modeler November 6, 2015 (Version: 5.0.17)
New and Improved Features:
  • When moving the label, the shape or changing page, the quick connect arrow now disappears.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where when using the “unlink” function in the CMMN diagram link menu, the plus marker did not became red.

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