Case Modeler

CMMN Modeler – Release Notes – April 14, 2015

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • Complete visual overhaul to align the design with the modern look of the Digital Enterprise Suite.
  • The Accelerator Viewer has been added in the CMMN Modeler. It allows you to create case plan models from known frameworks and keep track of your alignment with them by using the highlight functionality.
  • Added the possibility to create Semantic Link with the frameworks or your own references.
  • It is now easier to create and share repositories with your team in the new and fully redesigned Repository Navigator.
  • Contextual Menu was improved with a simpler organization logic and addition of new icons for each action.
  • Semantic link property edition has been added.
  • The canvas and container shapes such as Stages now resize automatically when shapes are dragged or added outside its border.
  • Improved the behaviour of the spacers:
    • the labels now maintain their position in respect with their shapes,
    • the straight links now stay straight after the resizing.
  • Added an "All" button to display all the pages and access to them quickly.
  • Comments can now be added directly from the Contextual Menu.
  • When using the CMMN Modeler in SharePoint, the toolbar was removed and the redirection link back to SharePoint is now in the File menu.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue when moving an anchor point of a link, the links would get broken when using undo/redo function.
  • Changing the shape type now keeps the label position.
  • Fixed the About dialog that was not properly displayed in Internet Explorer 9.
  • Resetting the label position now resets its size too.
  • Fixed a project name loss when loading a model for the first time.
  • Fixed an issue where right resize handles were not properly placed on large Stages, Plan Fragment and Case Plan Model.
  • Restored the functionality to link Stages to another file.
  • Fixed an issue where, on import, the anchor point of a link on the other link would not be correct.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing pages with carriage return in their name to be exported to image.
  • Fixed an issue when creating content of a container to a blank page, the links would not be properly routed.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip was missing in the palette for the Event Listener and Planning Table.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the viewing of the log viewer when there was an error.

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