Modelling the Preoperative Surgical Journey

An introduction to Business Process Management for Healthcare (BPM+ Health)

Presented at the BCS Health and Care by

John Svirbely, MD, CMIO, Trisotech
Denis Gagne, CEO & CTO, Trisotech

This webinar provides an introduction to BPM+ using the Preoperative Surgical Journey as an example.

Speakers demonstrate visual modelling and automation for the Preoperative Surgical Journey based on the three open standards that make up BPM+.

BPM+ Health is a multidisciplinary initiative, with high levels of participation from clinicians, to improve the quality and consistency of healthcare delivery. It is achieving this by applying business process modelling standards to clinical best practices, care pathways and workflows directly at the point of care.

Further information on BPM+ Health can be found at

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