Decision Modeler

DMN Modeler – Release Notes – October 17, 2018

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New and Improved Features:
  • The Quick Connect arrows (the colored arrows to facilitate the creation of new elements on the canvas) will now only appear on shape selection to prevent clicking on them by accident as much as possible.
  • The administrator can now change the default logo displayed as a watermark in the diagram and displayed on the header page of reports (html and word).
  • Users can still change the logo used for a specific model by going into the preferences (File->Preferences):
    • Default: The settings set by the administrator will apply to this model.
    • Custom: The user can upload a logo file to be used in this model.
    • None: No logo will be used for this model.
  • A new overlay displaying the page name is now available under the documentation overlays. It will display the page name in the top left of the canvas.
  • A new option to delete a graphical element is now offered when using the contextual menu of an element (right click).
  • Public places will now be visible when opening or saving a model.
Bug fixes:
  • Sometimes quick connect arrow created ghost shapes would stay on the canvas even after the arrows disappeared.
  • Sometimes dragging a decision from the Digital Enterprise Graph that use a complex type which reference another complex type, that second type would not be properly created.
  • The decision animator incorrectly flagged errors between knowledge source and BKMs.
  • Auto completion did not always work properly with included elements.

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