Discovery Accelerator

Discovery Accelerator – Release Notes – January 25, 2016

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to create business discoveries via the new User Stories view. User stories view allows to describe the type of user, what they want and why by using the “As a (actor), I want (activity) so that (goal)” type format.
  • The final CMMN 1.1 namespace is now used.
  • The HTML report now has a table of content and the type icon to the left of the item names.
  • It is now possible to add attachment files, videos, links, urls and other document types to items.
Bug Fixes:
  • Multiple improvements upon export to CMMN and BPMN for commenting, semantic links and documentation.
  • The Discovery Accelerator favicon is now loaded with the default theme.
  • Improved the collapse/expand button functionality on touch devices.
  • Fixed the backdrop color of a collection to match with the color of the collection in question.
  • Fixed an issue where renew button would appear with an invalid URL.
  • Fixed the font in the HTML report to Calibri to match with the MsWord report.

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