Workflow Modeler Report

Asymptomatic Suggested Follow Up

Published: 4/14/2020

By: John Svirbely MD

Table of Contents

Asymptomatic Suggested Follow Up


Asymptomatic Suggested Follow Up



Asymptomatic Suggested Follow Up


A patient who is asymptomatic after a possible exposure to the novel coronavirus should be monitored for signs and symptoms during the possible incubation period (up to 14 days after the exposure).

Asymptomatic Suggested Follow Up



A person who is without symptoms (asymptomatic) after a possible exposure to the novel coronavirus should be monitored for signs and symptoms during the possible incubation period (up to 14 days after the exposure).

Please provide all the required information below to receive guidance.


Patient under restrictions (Start Event)

Signs of acute respiratory infection? (Task)

Symptomatic? (Exclusive Gateway)

You have signs of acute respiratory infection. Contact a doctor and wear a face mask if you go out. (End Event)

If you develop new symptoms or feel worse then contact a doctor. (End Event)

If you develop new symptoms or feel worse then contact a doctor. (End Event)